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Tuesday, September 11, 2007 

You are invited to A Conversation and Lunch, September 17, 11:30-1 p.m. Glendale UMC

Greetings!! For several months, a group of people have gathered on the third Monday at lunch to discern the need for a networking group of persons in traditional and non-traditional spiritual formation ministries. Through simple networking with no advertisements we have 130 people on our elist. We are just beginning to get to know each other and if you are interested in this area of ministry, you are invited to join us for our September meeting.

Our time together involves networking around our meal together and short programs from persons in the group sharing about their ministry/life work. Our September program will be provided by Faith Mayton on Healing Oils of the Bible. (See notes below for further details.)

The diversity of persons involved in spiritual formation ministries in both traditional and nontraditional settings who have attended include: persons involved in spiritual direction, dream work, rosen work, reconciliation ministries, energy work with a scriptural basis, reiki, massage, clinical social work, pastoral counseling, nursing, hospice, yoga, music, centering prayer, Upper Room prayer ministries and networking, as well as persons in the midst of change seeking God's call in their life in a new ministry/occupation/life work. We didn't get them all down, but hopefully this gives you a sense of those God brought together. Eight denominations have also been represented so far.

We affirmed that this group would be one for Christians, lay and clergy, involved in Spiritual Formation ministries/life work in religious and secular settings to come together. This is not intended to be exclusive; however, we are discovering and rediscovering new ways to share and experience God's Spirit through Christ moving among and through us. There are a number of interfaith groups but all agreed a place was needed for this conversation.

Our next meeting will be on September 17 from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at Glendale United Methodist Church. Box lunches are $6. Contact Jo Reece (615-367-3586) or e-mail at ministermama@juno.com if you know ahead of time that you plan to attend. Box lunch orders need to be in by 8 a.m. the morning of the meeting. We will have coffee, bottled water, etc. available for those who want to bring their lunch. Of course, if you find you can come at the last minute, please join us!!

We pray God's grace and peace to each of you in your life and ministry and look forward to breaking bread and conversation together.


Reverend Jo Reece, Personal Guided Spiritual Retreat MinistryThe Quiet Center, a part of Glendale UMC's hospitality and retreatministry 615-367-3586 or ministermama@juno.com

Reverend Sandra Griggs, Pastor of Glendale United Methodist Church sandragriggs@comcast.net 297-6233 (Glendale UMC) or 545-8060 (Cell)

Directions: 900 Glendale Lane. Take I-65 South, exit Harding Place West, you will almost immediately cross Franklin Road (Harding Place becomes Battery Lane here) Keep going on Battery Lane approximately 1 mile. You will see a sign for Glendale UMC on your right. Turn right on Soper and it dead ends into the church parking lot.