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Friday, June 15, 2007 

Lay Witness Mission Team Member Training, June 30, Manchester First United Methodist Church

Saturday June 30 at First UMC, 105 Church Street, Manchester.

What is the Lay Witness Mission?
In the 1960’s tens of thousands of laypeople were caught up in the new spiritual excitement of Lay Witness Missions. Lives were changed. Marriages were saved. Families were strengthened. People were called to ordained ministry. Churches were revitalized. For 45+ years now, the Lay Witness Mission has been a proven tool for evangelism, faith sharing, developing small group ministries, deepening prayer life, and church renewal.

A team of 15-20 or more lay witnesses (depending on the size of the church) come to a church for a weekend. They stay in the homes of church members. They share their testimonies with the people of the church in large groups, in small groups, in home groups, in Sunday school classes and in Sunday morning worship. Parallel programs for children and youth are provided. Altar calls are given. Church members’ lives are transformed as they are touched by the power of the testimonies.

Lay Witness Missions follow the biblical pattern of Andrew telling his brother or the Samaritan woman at the well telling her village to Come and see, bringing people to Jesus that he might transform their lives.

Who are the witnesses?
Not preachers but ordinary lay people who have given their lives to Jesus Christ and can testify of what Jesus has done for them. They are people who want to be used by God to change someone else’s life forever.

Who should take this training?
Current lay witness team members who would like to update their skills and learn to be better witnesses. Lay Speakers who would like to be given additional speaking opportunities through Lay Witness Missions. Lay people who have experienced a Lay Witness Mission in their church and would now like to go out on a team to share their faith with others like they saw modeled at their own church. Anyone who is wanting to learn how to share their faith on a Lay Witness Mission team. YOU??? More team members are needed to serve on teams all over the country.
More team members are needed to serve on teams all over the country.

The training is designed for adults and senior high youth.

Churches that have hosted Lay Witness Missions are now seeing the value of hosting a training so they don’t just host a mission but send their people out IN mission. Their congregations are enriched as their own people come back testifying of how God used them to touch someone else.

What is involved in the training?
The training is an 8:30-5:30 one day event. Participants will receive an overview of a Lay Witness Mission weekend, learn about the dynamics of a team ministry, receive some tips for preparing a good testimony and then have some time to put together a short 5-7 minute testimony. They will share that testimony in a small group setting. The group will learn about small group dynamics and leading small group discussions. They will experience some of the small group sessions of a Lay Witness Mission.

Reflecting on the training experience, a participant commented: We came as strangers but as a result of the faith sharing in the small groups we grew close. We have been finding that even in the “training” as real faith stories are shared participants are touched by God in a real way.

What is the cost?
The cost of the training and the training manual is $20. Lunch is at an additional cost provided by the church.

How do I register?
You can register by contacting the Aldersgate Renewal Ministries office at 615-851-9192 or toll free 1-877-857-9372 and ask for Pam, or email pdow@AldersgateRenewal.org. The registration deadline is the Monday, June 25.