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Thursday, February 16, 2006 

Local Church Native American Ministry Reps AND Witness Chairpersons are invited to take part in “Native American Resource Opportunities” 2006


The Conference Committee on Native American Ministry (CCONAM) was established at General Conference and is in the Book of Discipline. There were changes in the newest edition concerning local church. Prior to 2004, the local church had a responsibility for a “Native American Ministries” representative. The new wording is: “Every local church at charge conference shall designate by nomination and election a minimum of one person per charge (without regard to race or ethnic origin) or a designated member of an established church committee to represent the need for better awareness of Native American contributions in the local church.” Page 436 ¶653

The conference committee has been committed to working with the local church and one of our responsibilities is to provide resources for Native American Ministry Sunday, one of the special Sunday offerings. We have worked diligently to garner resources and for the past three years, we have sponsored “Native American Training Institute”. Held in Nashville in the spring, we provided leadership, audio and visual materials, had speakers and cultural displays. This has been on a Saturday. In 2006, we decided to visit within the districts and are taking this opportunity to invite you to take part in “Native American Resource Opportunities” 2006.

We have three days for this conference-wide opportunity.

· February 26th Blakemore UMC 1:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
This is for Clarksville, Cumberland and Nashville Districts
· March 12th Lawrenceburg 1st UMC 1:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
This is for Columbia and Pulaski Districts
· April 2nd Smithville UMC 1:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
This is for Cookeville and Murfreesboro Districts
**If you miss your date, please let us know if you can attend on another date.

You will receive printed materials and audio resources which will help you work within your local church for promoting and celebrating Native American Ministry Sunday. We have worked with Cokesbury for some time now and will have a book display with books available for purchase and there will be light refreshments.

The CCONAM of the TN Conference maintains pages on the TN Conference web site, http://www.tnumc.org/. Click on Native American Ministries and read about our committee and purpose. We also maintain our own site, http://www.moccasinfootprints.org/.

Please call the conference office for more specific directions, to receive registration material, or to have questions answered
Mary T Newman

Blakemore UMC is located at the corner of Bowling and (3601) West End Ave. just
off 440. The church number is 615-297-6519

Lawrenceburg 1st is located at 212 Waterloo St.
One block west of Lawrenceburg Square, one block south of Hwy. 64
The church number is 931-762-3696

Smithville UMC is located at 100 W. Church St.
From Cookeville take Silver Point exit go to Hwy 56 So. Cross lake,
Just before 1st stop light, turn on Church Street
From Murfreesboro come in on Hwy. 96, intersects Hwy 70, turn right and go thru Liberty and Dowelltown, water town on right go to first traffic light and turn left onto Mountain Street, after four way stop, take second right onto Church Street
The church number is 615-597-4961

**Our committee is active and committed in our goals. A resolution in 2005 included this yearly training as part of our commitment to working with and for Native Americans and the local church for understanding and awareness.

Money collected in the special offering are split and half remains in the Conference for hands on ministry. Half is dispensed for seminary scholarships for Native Americans and other educational programs.

+We have supplied books, Bibles and school supplies to Native Methodist mission churches in Mississippi
+We are active in the Southeast Jurisdictional Agency for Native American Ministries (SEJANAM)
+We have partnered with others to take clothes, school supplies, etc. to Mississippi and New Mexico
+We continue to develop a presence within the Native community in our conference; we have a booth at most Native events
+We sponsor a yearly health fair at MTSU during their American Indian Festival/powwow. Diabetes is highest in Native Americans (in the world) and its side effects are killers too. Last year, we added sight and hearing testing by the Lions Club
+We have a Native American ministry conference annually which includes workshops covering culture and traditions, music and worship. This is open to the public and to the local church. It is a great opportunity for interaction and education
+We welcome invitations from local churches and have provided speakers on several occasions thru the year. We bring displays, etc.
+We have begun to sponsor a scholarship for secondary school scholarships to Native students in Tennessee

***This special Sunday can be celebrated anytime in the year, not just on the
designated day. Let us know if we can help

So you can see that we are busy!! Join us and work in a Christ like manner for all.