All clergy under appointment and ministerial candidates are required to take Sexual Ethics/Safe Sanctuaries training.Next date March 17-18 in Lebanon
The next Sexual Ethics/Safe Sanctauries training is scheduled for Friday, March 17-Saturday, March 18, 2006 from 9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. each day at Lebanon First UMC.
All clergy under appointment and ministerial candidates are required to attend this two-day training event by the end of 2007. It is strongly encouraged that local church staff persons not under appointment, particularly those who work with children and/or youth also attend this training. The cost is $40.00 per person which includes training materials and lunch on both days.
On Saturday, for the Safe Sanctuaries part of the training, you are asked to bring a team of key leadership from your church - Administrative Council Chair, SPRC chair, Trustees Chair, Children and Youth Coordinator, and others who will be responsible for creating policies and procedures for creating a safe environment for children and youth. Their cost will be $20 per person.
This in-depth, informative training will provide you insight into Sexual Ethics and provide you practical guidelines for developing Safe Sanctuaries within your local congregation. The Sexual Ethics component of the training will raise your awareness of issues of power that you hold as a pastor or staffperson and ways to develop healthy boundaries. Trained leaders will be guiding the group using the FaithTrust Institute Curriculum. The Safe Sanctuaries component of the training will provide you practical guidelines for creating safe environments for children and start your team in the process of writing Safe Sanctuaries Policies and Procedures for your local church.
Each district in the conference in the TN Conference is hosting this training. Nashville District held it's training last September. The following training dates are scheduled for other districts:
Cumberland March 17-18, 2006 Lebanon First UMC
Clarksville September 8-9, 2006 Hilldale UMC
Columbia November 10-11, 2006 TBA
Pulaski March 10 and 17, 2007 TBA
Murfreesboro September 7-8, 2007 TBA
Cookeville November 3 & 10, 2007 TBA
All clergy under appointment and ministerial candidates are required to attend this two-day training event by the end of 2007. It is strongly encouraged that local church staff persons not under appointment, particularly those who work with children and/or youth also attend this training. The cost is $40.00 per person which includes training materials and lunch on both days.
On Saturday, for the Safe Sanctuaries part of the training, you are asked to bring a team of key leadership from your church - Administrative Council Chair, SPRC chair, Trustees Chair, Children and Youth Coordinator, and others who will be responsible for creating policies and procedures for creating a safe environment for children and youth. Their cost will be $20 per person.
This in-depth, informative training will provide you insight into Sexual Ethics and provide you practical guidelines for developing Safe Sanctuaries within your local congregation. The Sexual Ethics component of the training will raise your awareness of issues of power that you hold as a pastor or staffperson and ways to develop healthy boundaries. Trained leaders will be guiding the group using the FaithTrust Institute Curriculum. The Safe Sanctuaries component of the training will provide you practical guidelines for creating safe environments for children and start your team in the process of writing Safe Sanctuaries Policies and Procedures for your local church.
Each district in the conference in the TN Conference is hosting this training. Nashville District held it's training last September. The following training dates are scheduled for other districts:
Cumberland March 17-18, 2006 Lebanon First UMC
Clarksville September 8-9, 2006 Hilldale UMC
Columbia November 10-11, 2006 TBA
Pulaski March 10 and 17, 2007 TBA
Murfreesboro September 7-8, 2007 TBA
Cookeville November 3 & 10, 2007 TBA