The Good News is Green! Starting a Green Team in your church, Belmont Unied Methodist Church, November 14, 2009, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
“God saw everything that God had made, and indeed, it was very good.”--- Genesis 1:31
You have heard the suggestions for changing your old light bulbs to the new curly energy-savers, and you may have done so by now. You may have even caulked some windows and added some insulation - all great money and energy saving ideas!
But have you changed your life or lifestyle to help care for God’s creation? Do you have a sustainable faith that is practiced in a sustainable community that honors everything God has made so that it is, indeed, very good? How can your congregation connect spiritual health and creation care that results in action?
On Saturday, November 14, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Belmont United Methodist Church, youth and adult leaders and pastors from Nashville District congregations will gather to share information with you about how to start a Green Team at your church. In addition we will:
• Explore the characteristics of a personal sustainable faith that leads to a transformation in spiritual values from “belongings” to “belonging.”
• Share ideas on how your congregation can lower its energy usage and save money for other programs and lead your community towards a greener future.
• Learn how to measure your carbon footprint to empower the Biblical mandate that “the truth shall set you free.”
Jim Deming, a local pastor and experienced leader in environmental stewardship, will lead the discussions on connecting faith and values with creation care. He will share how this growing movement within faith communities is changing lives and changing the possibilities for a greener future. Jim will also connect participants with a wealth of resources to get started or to continue down the path of taking responsibility for tending God’s good green earth.
The Green Team at Belmont UMC will add its practical voice on how they have engaged individuals and over 100 families in their congregation on becoming advocates for sustainability. They will lead us step by step through the phases of education, resistance, organization, excitement, building momentum, and action. They will tell us about working with families to learn their carbon footprints, conducting a church energy audit, and saving financial resources with affordable changes.
Finally, Tayst restaurant, Nashville’s only green certified restaurant will be serving lunch. You can access more information about Tayst at . We’ll share ideas and gather our enthusiasm for the next steps. We’ll sit together and talk with folks from congregations who are geographically near and want to work together after the meeting to promote and reinforce creation care for each other and our larger community.
So come prepared to learn how to act on your love of God’s creation in practical and spiritually sustainable ways. Come prepared to be inspired and join the growing movement among people of faith to take care of the earth for the next generations. Come prepared to learn that The Good News Is Green!
For reservations to this event, please reply to or call the Nashville District office at 615-327-3582.
You have heard the suggestions for changing your old light bulbs to the new curly energy-savers, and you may have done so by now. You may have even caulked some windows and added some insulation - all great money and energy saving ideas!
But have you changed your life or lifestyle to help care for God’s creation? Do you have a sustainable faith that is practiced in a sustainable community that honors everything God has made so that it is, indeed, very good? How can your congregation connect spiritual health and creation care that results in action?
On Saturday, November 14, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Belmont United Methodist Church, youth and adult leaders and pastors from Nashville District congregations will gather to share information with you about how to start a Green Team at your church. In addition we will:
• Explore the characteristics of a personal sustainable faith that leads to a transformation in spiritual values from “belongings” to “belonging.”
• Share ideas on how your congregation can lower its energy usage and save money for other programs and lead your community towards a greener future.
• Learn how to measure your carbon footprint to empower the Biblical mandate that “the truth shall set you free.”
Jim Deming, a local pastor and experienced leader in environmental stewardship, will lead the discussions on connecting faith and values with creation care. He will share how this growing movement within faith communities is changing lives and changing the possibilities for a greener future. Jim will also connect participants with a wealth of resources to get started or to continue down the path of taking responsibility for tending God’s good green earth.
The Green Team at Belmont UMC will add its practical voice on how they have engaged individuals and over 100 families in their congregation on becoming advocates for sustainability. They will lead us step by step through the phases of education, resistance, organization, excitement, building momentum, and action. They will tell us about working with families to learn their carbon footprints, conducting a church energy audit, and saving financial resources with affordable changes.
Finally, Tayst restaurant, Nashville’s only green certified restaurant will be serving lunch. You can access more information about Tayst at . We’ll share ideas and gather our enthusiasm for the next steps. We’ll sit together and talk with folks from congregations who are geographically near and want to work together after the meeting to promote and reinforce creation care for each other and our larger community.
So come prepared to learn how to act on your love of God’s creation in practical and spiritually sustainable ways. Come prepared to be inspired and join the growing movement among people of faith to take care of the earth for the next generations. Come prepared to learn that The Good News Is Green!
For reservations to this event, please reply to or call the Nashville District office at 615-327-3582.