Continuing Education Personal Enrichment Courses Spring 2009 ScheduleAROUND THE HOUSEFlower ArrangingLearn to create beautiful floral arrangements to decorate for the holidays and special events. Actual methods, designs, and skills are demonstrated in this course. Materials fees vary.
CEU 035 551; Tuesday, 6:00-8:30PM, April 28-May 19 (4 meetings) $45+ Supplies
ARTS Calligraphy
This course provides an introduction to writing with pen & ink to create invitations, certificates, artwork. Instruction emphasizes mastery of one alphabet. Supply information is provided the first night.
CEU 109 551; Monday, 6:30-8:30PM, April 13-May 18 (6 meetings) $65+ Supplies
COMPUTER TRAININGCool, Free Web ToolsJoin us as we explore several open source (free) tools available on the web for your use. These include productivity, photo editing, photo sharing, communication, and video. During the session, we will also use select tools to create a project using each of these items.
CEU 238T 551; Tuesday, 6:00-9:00PM, April 14 (1 meeting) $25
HEALTH AND WELLNESSGet Healthy! Stay Balanced – Part 1This course is designed to coach you to better health and healing through nutrition, exercise, water, and rest – as you become more and more fit for daily living. Learn that healthy living is a lifestyle -- not a diet.
CEU 499T 551; Tuesday, 6:00-9:00PM, April 21 & 28 (2meetings) $85
Introduction to Reflexology IWhen energy flows freely around your body, you are physically, mentally, and emotionally well, balanced, and in harmony with your environment. Reflexology can provide relief because the whole body is represented on the feet and hands through points that can be individually stimulated to produce a reaction in the corresponding body part. This is not a certification class.
CEU 457 551; Wednesday, 6:00-830PM, April 8-April 29 (4 meetings) $65
Beginning YogaThis course is based on the tradition of Yoga, meditation in action, and will help promote strength, flexibility, and correct body alignment. Relaxation techniques are included.
CEU 389-051; Thursday, 11:00am-12:00pm, April 16-May 21 (6 meetings) $65
PERSONAL ENRICHMENTWriting/Telling Your StoryTell your story. Tell them or to write them down for your grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and the generations who will come after you. In years past, elderly family members got to share their stories because they were better connected to their families and lived nearby. Stories were a part of conversation in families. Today we are all spread out across states and countries and we’ve forgotten the importance of storytelling. This workshop will focus on getting started in the process of recording our stories and memories for our families. Patsy Hatfield Lawson is a professional storyteller and a college professor who works with seniors to help them tell their stories. The focus of the workshop will be: how to determine which stories are the most important; how to record or write them; whether or not to get a published version; ways to tell the stories to capture interest; how to tell your family that you have a story to share.
CEU 302T-051; Wednesday, 3:00-5:00PM, April 15 and 29 (2 meetings) $50
Magic with Cards and BalloonsLearn about the exciting and entertaining world of magic. A performing magician will teach you magical effects from sleight of hand and learn the secrets to large illusions and hands-on magic with balloon sculpting. Topics also include the history of magic arts and actual tricks you can do. Put some magic in your life as you learn to entertain others.
CEU 142 551; Monday, 6:00-8:00pm, April 13 and 20 (2 meetings) $30
To register for courses, students may print the registration form at and mail it in to Volunteer State. You may also phone-in your registration at (615) 230-3358. Volunteer State handles all course registrations and there is a nominal fee associated with taking the courses. Class size is limited and there is a minimum expectation for participation for the classes to be held. We encourage you to contact friends and family to ask them to participate in these courses with you.