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Tuesday, April 15, 2008 

Brentwood UMC's Chancel Choir and guest artist Wintley Phipps to perform at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center, Sunday evening, April 27, 7:00 p.m.

Church Music Gala at the /Schermerhorn

The 130+ voice Chancel Choir of Brentwood United Methodist Church together with special guest artist Wintley Phipps will appear in concert at Nashville’s Schermerhorn Symphony Center, Sunday evening, April 27, at 7:00 p.m. They will be accompanied by the “Orchestra of Brentwood,” which is comprised of members of the Nashville Symphony Orchestra as well as free-lance players and session players. Also lending their voices in song will be the 60 members of Brentwood UMC’s Treble Chorus (ages 4th grade through 9th grade).

Among pieces to be performed by the choir are: “Love Divine, All Loves, Excelling,” “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,” “To God Be the Glory,” “How Firm A Foundation,” “Hallelujah,” and “Rejoice the Lord Is King.” Wintley Phipps will sing many of the church’s best loved hymns including: “Amazing Grace,” “It Is Well,” “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” “How Great Thou Art” and others. There will be individual numbers by the orchestra as well and the new organ at the Schermerhorn will also be featured in Camille Saint-Saens’ Symphny No. 3 in C-minor (allegro moderator).

Wintley Phipps

Wintley Phipps, who was born in Trinidad, West Indies and raised in Montreal, Canada, is a world-renowned vocal artist, pastor, motivational speaker, and education activist. He is the founder, president and chief executive officer of the U.S. Dream Academy, Inc. The Dream Academy is a non-profit organization that features a customized on-line curriculum to increase reading, math, English comprehension and proficiency; an enhanced capacity to navigate the Internet; and weekly one-to-one mentoring that focuses on values enrichment and character building, for children of prisoners and those falling behind in school. A humanitarian and visionary, Mr. Phipps inspires others to excellence and the realization of their life goals.

Mr. Phipps has been the featured speaker and performer for many notable occasions around the world. On January 2, 2007, by special request of Ms. Oprah Winfrey, Mr. Phipps delivered the inspirational address and prayer for the opening of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa. He has sung for Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, and George W. Bush at the annual National Presidential Prayer Breakfast events and other distinguished celebrations. Wintley was selected by Oprah Winfrey to offer musical interpretations for her week-long coverage of the “9/11” tragedy and was asked to pen a special prayer for her to deliver in tribute to the lives lost.

Mr. Phipps has performed on Saturday Night Live as well as Sunday Live and has been the special guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show and CBS Nightwatch. Mr. Phipps was nominated for Grammy Awards in 1988 and 1989. He is the author of The Power of A Dream (1996), founder of Songs of Freedom Publishing Company and Coral Records Recording Company. His recording of hymns is the ONLY recording ever endorsed by Billy Graham.

All seats for the performance are reserved and the cost is $20.00 per seat. The tickets can be purchased by calling the music office at Brentwood United Methodist Church, 615-324-7227. If you have not experienced the amazing acoustics at Schermerhorn Symphony Center this concert would be a good time to do so, and, truly, there is not a bad seat in the house.