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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 

Promoting Team Leadership for the Future

To: All Clergy and Laity of the Tennessee Conference
From: Conference Council on Connectional Ministries

God calls us to move forward into the future. One of the keys to moving forward is leadership. As we move forward, leadership development is at the forefront. This letter begins a process to help identify and nurture leaders in our conference, both lay and clergy. God has much kingdom work for us to do. Now is the time!

Acceptance of Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior is an essential requirement for all leaders in the Tennessee Conference. Spiritual leadership must be built upon this foundation. What are the characteristics needed in leaders of the Tennessee Conference? The following is a list of some characteristics expected of spiritual leaders:

+ Willingness to be held accountable and hold others accountable
+ Passion for God’s kingdom
+ Willingness to risk for God and lead
+ Trust and respect
+ Confidentiality
+ Spiritual disciplines
+ Willingness to learn and open to change
+ Good listener
+ Self-awareness
+ Team player
+ Vulnerability

No one person possesses all the gifts and graces needed to effectively lead. Team leadership produces greater results, thus the ability to work on a team is essential. In addition to the above mentioned characteristics, certain gifts are needed for a team to function effectively. Some of these gifts are

Administration—gives attention to detail and organization
+ Discernment—is guided by prayer, possesses wisdom
+ People skills—is a good listener, relates well, compassionate, likeable, possesses personal charisma
+ Strategic thinking—navigates, plans, processes, and orders things for progress and movement
+ Communication—has clarity in speech and writing, motivates
+ Vision—sees big picture, future orientated, “Caleb spirit”
+ Self-starting—takes initiative, action orientated, focused on the results.

We are asking you to help identify persons who possess the above characteristics and gifts. It is our hope to develop a pool of persons who can help transform our conference and our community.

We would appreciate your completing the enclosed application form. Persons may nominate themselves or others who possess the desired characteristics and gifts.

Send the competed forms to: Leadership Pool 304 S. Perimeter Park Drive Suite 1 Nashville, TN 37211 or email to
vsharber@tnumc.org. To expedite the process the deadline is January 5, 2007.

Leadership Application Form

Name: ___________________________________

Mailing Address: ________________________________________


City: ________________________ Zip: _____________________

Home Phone: _________________ Office Phone: ___________________

Mobile Phone: ________________

Email: _____________________________

Church you are attending: ________________________________________

Please provide the following information. Use additional sheets as needed.

1. Share your vision for ministry in and through the Tennessee Conference.

2. Identify your leadership gifts and characteristics. Include examples of how you are using these gifts and characteristics.

3. Share why you feel called to leadership in the Tennessee Conference.

4. Share where and how you feel you can best serve.